Microgreen Tomato Bruschetta - The Microgreen Team

Microgreen Tomato Bruschetta

  • Microgreen Tomato Bruschetta
  • Microgreen Tomato Bruschetta

Cooking Instructions

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Roughly chop garlic. In a bowl toss together tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Spread out in a baking dish and season with salt and pepper. Roast for 20-25 minutes, until tomatoes are tender and start to break down.

Meanwhile, preheat a grill pan to high heat. Lightly brush each side of bread slices with olive oil and cook for 1 minute each side or until charred.

To serve, top each bruschetta slice with roasted tomatoes and garlic. Dollop over salsa verde and finish with microgreens.

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