Spicy Radish Elfie - The Microgreen Team

Spicy Radish Elfie

Feels like summer with our spicy Radish Elfie
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  • Fresh products are shipped in cooled boxes. Shelf life is 5-10 days

Spicy Radish Elfie is our second radish variety and this one also packs a punch.

Facts and Knowledge

  1. Our microgreen team harvests fresh microgreens daily to ensure that the different harvest times of the other plants are strictly followed to ensure the highest quality. Environmentally friendly and reusable materials are used for packaging, No mould can appear for 8 – 14 days if  stored correctly
  2. The weight information on our boxes is the actual usable plant weight.
  3. If you prefer microgreens in a plant tray, you must consider the following:
  4. Caution! Some types of plants tend to form mould in the root area. Be sure to store the planting mat dry and ventilate it. The weight of the products offered in trays includes growing mats, water, roots, and packaging. This is why the usable plant weight is generally 40-50% below the declaration. For technical reasons, this applies to all suppliers of planters  Find out what Wikipedia has to say.    

The #Microgreenteam only offers government-approved microgreens with eco-friendly and reusable packaging.

And the colours are amazing, the mix of orange and green just makes you feel summery and warm. The taste is similar to our Sangria variety, quite peppery like a radish bulb. The beauty of the radish microgreen is that you can get that same peppery radish punch, in the form of a delicate and crunchy tiny plant. Where you might not want to eat radish slices on your next (veggie) burger the radish microgreen would make a lovely addition of flavour, texture, and colour. They are great in salads and cold soups. Put radish microgreens on a burger and enjoy a more flavorful, crunchy, topping than regular lettuce. Their small size also makes them a great raw garnish for dishes that can benefit from a peppery element. You can even substitute microgreens for the lettuce on your favourite sandwich to bring a serious flavour enhancement.

For detailed recipe ideas please check out our Recipe Page Here or visit our YouTube channel Right Here.

Radish microgreens are quickly becoming one of the most popular microgreens among chefs, “foodies,” and home growers. Not only because of their crisp and bold flavour but because radish microgreens are very nutritious. Let’s dive into their nutritional values:

They provide vital nutrients in abundance, including proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fats, fibre, minerals, and antioxidants.

Essential amino acids enable the body to conduct innumerable critical processes for life, including energy regulation, enzymatic functioning, tissue growth and repair, immune functions, neurotransmitter production, and calcium absorption, just to name a few. Unlike nonessential amino acids, essential amino acids can’t be made by your body and must be obtained through your diet. Radish microgreens contain these essential amino acids that your body needs but can’t produce itself.

Antioxidants Fight Free Radicals
Antioxidants are molecules that can reduce or prevent cellular damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals.

Free radicals form in the body either from normal essential metabolic processes such as digestion or external sources such as exposure to X-rays, ozone, cigarette smoking, air pollutants, industrial chemicals, ultraviolet light, or other external environmental stressors. Free radicals can cause inflammatory conditions, stroke, heart disease, cancer, immune deficiency, and other conditions. As mentioned, free radicals form from regular metabolic activity. So they are impossible to avoid and why adding foods such as radish microgreens containing antioxidants to your diet is very important.

Microgreens are exciting & extremely versatile, we would love to share all our knowledge with you.

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Net Weight



Packaging Box/Recycle


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