Meet the Green Team - The Microgreen Team

We provide high-quality organic products

Organic foods are produced through farming practices that only use natural substances. This means avoiding all artificial chemicals or genetically modified organisms

Georg Petri Horticulturist

Georg Petri


I am proud to be part of this Microgreen health movement and the Microgreen Team are heading into the right direction. I am here to help with my expertise as a Horticulturist.

Started Growing In 1979.

Examples of field amendments and items that are organic


How your food is grown or raised can have a major impact on your health as well as the environment


Organically grown crops, fruits, vegetables tend to use only natural fertilizers to improve plant growth.


Organic food means avoiding all artificial chemicals, antibiotics or genetically modified organisms

Microgreens are exciting & extremely versatile, we would love to share all our knowledge with you.

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